Penguins set a PeL record

…of their own. 93 wins is our best Perfect season to date.  Would have won the ACC, but we’re in the ACW, where it’s 26 games back. At any rate, it’s still very encouraging. We picked up a ton of games in the final weeks, finishing 6 games over projection, too.

Schedule strength matters. Remember I said Sept would feel like a gentle breeze after that summer schedule? 20-7 in Sept/Oct 1st.

Anyway, congrats to Nevada Knights (119 wins) and Kansas Champs (96 wins) for winning the ACW and Wildcard, respectively. Good luck in post-season!

We finished D3 and Overall 8. Five starting pitchers above the PeL Mendoza line. In the ultimate pitcher’s park, that figures. Also five relievers. Runs Against 4th, ERAs 4th. There’s some hella pitching staffs in PL. We’ll get there. some day.

Hitting not so rosy, naturally. Runs Scored 13th, WAR 11th, HR 9th, OPS 14th. The OF finished above Mendoza, but as a team we hit .234. Again, the effects of the ultimate pitcher’s park.

So we may have trouble enticing top-tier hitters to come play here. It really, really pimps their career numbers. And, as we saw, zero votes for the All-Star game.

Once we get some hitters signed, maybe we can fix the sand traps and tall grass where singles go to die.

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The bloated warthog who pilots this ship onto the rocks of despair--then turns around and sets sail for the Island of Lost Toys. Always wanted to go there!

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