Finishing the long, hot summer

Ice, we need ice!

For August, 13-12. Now we’re done with the toughest part of the schedule, and the shark attacks slow significantly in Sept.

73-61 (.545) 3rd in Division, 8th overall. We have a shot at one of the wildcards, but not a good one–the team that’s 2nd in division is +6 in front.  That’s a lot to make up in a single month. So we’re here, we mattered, but we aren’t really in the race.

But I’m proud of you flightless waterfowl, anyway. Good job, fellas. We’re inching up into winning PeL seasons. Some day you even might shock your critics.

Pessimistic Projection holding at 87 wins, margin of error narrowing.


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The bloated warthog who pilots this ship onto the rocks of despair--then turns around and sets sail for the Island of Lost Toys. Always wanted to go there!

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